PE Curriculum
Intent, Implementation and Impact
"Everyone to Excel through Pride and Ambition"
At Montem Academy, Physical Education (PE) is an important part of our curriculum. It is designed to include and engage all students in a supportive and challenging environment. We want children to learn, develop, and improve their practical skills and techniques. We also aim for them to understand the concepts and principles of PE better and become more skilled. We want them to enjoy and do well in a wide range of sports and physical activities.
We strive to provide high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that help all children succeed, enjoy their learning, and be resilient. We want them to always do their best and reach their full potential.
Children also take part in competitive sports. Through this, we teach them how to work well as a team, cooperate with others, and compete fairly. We encourage sportsmanship, respect, and fairness—values that we hope they will carry with them in life.
We understand how important PE, school sports, and physical activity are for children's health, fitness, and mental well-being. We give all children chances to be physically active for longer periods and teach them how to lead healthy, active lives and make smart lifestyle choices.
At Montem Academy, we provide a challenging and enjoyable learning experience through a range of sporting activities, including Invasion Games, Net & Wall Games, Strike and Field Games, Gymnastics, Dance, Outdoor & Adventure Activities, and Swimming.
- Children participate in two PE lessons each week, covering two sporting activities each half-term.
- Swimming is taught to pupils in Years 3, 4, and 5 on an annual basis. The swimming lessons take place over three weeks during the Spring term, using the on-site pool.
- The Long-Term PE Curriculum Overview outlines the PE units and activities to be taught each half-term, ensuring that the requirements of the National Curriculum are fully met.
- We assess children each lesson through our three strands of "Head, Hands, Heart" using a bespoke assessment package. This tracks progress in the three strands of our PE curriculum: Physical, Cognitive, and Social/Emotional development.
- Our PE curriculum emphasises inclusion for all children, regardless of sporting ability. We provide suitable learning opportunities for all children, including those with SEND.
- All children are taught by a qualified PE specialist.
- We promote both participation and competition in PE and sport. All children experience competition at some level, individually or in teams, either within school or against other primary schools.
- Every child participates in Intra-House Sports competitions across a variety of sports and activities at different points in the academic year.
- Children in KS1, KS2, and SEND pupils also have opportunities to participate in a range of activities and competitions, organised either by us or in partnership with the Slough Schools Sports Network.
- Children take part in workshops and whole-school events, sourced by the school and delivered by outside providers, covering a variety of sports throughout the year. For example, Skip2bfit, Fencing, Cycling, Cricket, and Dance, which offer opportunities to try new activities, learn new skills, improve fitness, and experience something different.
- All children in KS1 and KS2 have the opportunity to participate in extra-curricular sports activities throughout the year.
- We offer a Residential Outdoor and Adventure (OAA) experience for children in Years 5 and 6 each year.
- We have an annual inclusive House Sports Day, emphasising participation and achievement for all, from Nursery through to Year 6.
- All children participate in the whole-school weekly Steps Challenge to promote health, fitness, mental well-being, personal challenge, and resilience. Children compare their step counts with other classes and their personal bests, fostering a sense of team spirit and cooperation.
Sports Clubs
Extra-curricular activities are highly valued at Montem Academy. We ensure that children receive a range of life experiences related to both the curriculum and life outside school through a variety of sports clubs. These clubs are delivered by specialist sports teachers and are available before and after school. Our sports clubs are offered to pupils across Key Stages 1 and 2, and include:
- Netball
- Football
- Hockey
- Badminton
- Tennis
- Cricket
- Tag Rugby
- Athletics
- Basketball
- Golf
- Dance
- Gymnastics